Shaped infill

Infill of exterior doors, shaped

Infills are designed for exterior euro doors as a replacement for a solid wood infill.  The advantage of these infills is stability of shape and thermal insulation properties while maintaining the appearance of solid wood.

They are produced from waterproof plywood, milled and then veneered.  Due to such veneering, it maintains the appearance of solid wood.  After veneering, the two halves are glued with insulation and aluminium foil which serves as protection against steam.

After gluing, the infill is watered, milled and ready for despatch.  Milling is carried out using sandpaper with a grain size of 150.  The customer will receive the exact size of infill which is suitable for the surface finishing.

The sizes which can be produced are from 130 x 130mm to 900 x 2100mm.  The thickness of the recess into the batten is 24 or 27mm.  It is possible to modify the thickness of the recess after agreement.  After sending a drawing or template, atypical shapes can also be produced.  The types of surface veneer are as for commonly accessible beams.  Only radial veneer is used, from soft wood such as fir and pine.  This type of infill significantly simplifies and quickens the production process, and there is no waste in infill production as there is in the production of large area or solid wood infills. Another advantage is that there is no cracking, unlike with solid wood.  All parts are glued using glues with a waterproof grade of D4.  Surface finishing can be done using all commonly accessible acrylate thick-layer glazing, oils and synthetic thin-layer glazing.

Shaped interior infill

Infill is used as a replacement for wooden infills for doors and kitchen units. It is made of MDF, milled to the required shape and then veneer of a wood type required by the customer is affixed.

When using for doors, two pieces of infill are used which are glued together so milling can be done on both sides. For kitchen unit doors, the infill has a smooth veneer on one side and on the outer side, the infill is milled, shaped and veneered.

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